I Pray This Prayer Every Day

A few years ago, I was inspired by Carlos Whittaker in his book, Kill The Spider, to start praying one written prayer every day. Carlos and his wife used this practice, which seemed like such an incredible way to practice simplicity, authority, and abundance in my walk with God. 

In 2023, I recommitted to reading + meditating on a daily prayer, and it’s been a game changer for starting my day. It feels like I’m connecting with God and remembering His promises, while also connecting with my soul and the desires I have for my life. 

I’d love to share my current written prayer below in the hopes that it inspires and encourages you. Let me know in this post if you have a similar practice or if you’re going to give this one a try! 

PS: I have redacted what I’m currently praying for each of my four kids for their privacy! 


My Father, 

You’re both above and below, lofty + lifted, near + intimate. I thank You and praise You for who you are. (Beneath this opening, I have the following scripture written out to recite: Isaiah 55:8-9, Isaiah 6:1, Philippians 4:7, Psalm 145:18, Psalm 139:7) 

You’re the loving creator (Genesis 1), You are my sustainer (Psalm 55:22), You are the redeemer (Proverbs 19:25), You are the healer (Psalm 147:3, Jeremiah 17:14), You are powerful (Hebrews 1:3), You are my friend (John 15:14-15), You are compassionate (Psalm 69:16-17).

I want to love Your law, Your kingdom, Your grace, Your children, and Your church.

I want to obey You, submit to Your kind authority, and follow wherever You lead. 

(I have these passages written out beneath this section: Psalm 119:165, Matthew 6:33, Ephesians 2:13, 1 John 4:20, John 21:15, 1 John 5:1-5, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 28, John 12:26) 

Give me eyes to see the world today from a kingdom perspective. Help me see people the way You see them. Help me see situations + conflicts with eyes of hope. Please help me live with eternity in mind. 

(Proverbs 20:12, Ephesians 1:18-21, Colossians 3:2) 

Holy Spirit, help me to see my own sin, repent, change, and receive Your grace. 

(Romans 2:4, Acts 3:19-20) 

Father, I thank you for all that You’ve provided for us. You own it all, You’re the source of all good things. Help me to keep a soft heart and give back to You what is Yours. 

Father, help me to love Your kingdom and Your people more than I love things. Help me to be a good steward of all You’ve provided. 

Father, I call down love and peace over my household. I beg, in the name of Jesus, that You’d transform us into a family that loves well and that in this house - Your peace would be palpable. 

May we speak life, make space for one another, and truly pay attention to what You’re doing. 

I pray for Nick, for him to hear Your voice clearly and feel Your presence tangibly. Give him favor, give him fervor, guide his steps (I’ve been praying this sentence for Nick for about 15 years). I pray that he’d feel fully awake spiritually, like his faith is being made more vibrant by the day. Protect his body and give us decades to serve you together. 

Father, thank you for leading and protecting Bright City Church. We want to honor and glorify You. It’s not worth it if we’re not. I pray for the spiritual storehouses to be opened for our church: more desire for godliness, more desire for mission, more desire for teaching and humility. 

Father, I thank you for Go + Tell Gals. For this work, these women, and the favor You’ve given us in the last few years. I pray that we’d keep listening to Your voice and following where You lead. I pray that we’d honor You as we serve women and equip them for the work of the gospel. Father, would you blow on our efforts and show us what we could do better, in Jesus’ name. 

Lastly, Father, I yield to Your way. I come into agreement with humility and servant-heartedness. I want to be like my friend and Savior, Jesus. I break ties with pride and wanting my own glory. I want to live a life of seeing and supporting others, cheering them on in Jesus’ name. 

Your kingdom come. 

Your will be done.

On earth as it is in heaven. 



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