You’re Not Doing It Wrong

How are the other moms spending all day at the pool looking tidy?

Why are all the other college students spending the summer overseas without care?

How did they afford to send that many kids to camp?

When do people work if they’re always on vacation? 

Why doesn’t everyone else look as sweaty, stressed, and tired as I am? 

Does any of this sound familiar? 

You’re not doing summer wrong - it’s just a lot. It’s the weather, the change of pace, the constant comparison, and social media convincing us everyone else is living their best life. 

I do think it’s helpful to catch these thoughts because we don’t want to spend our summer in shame, blame, envy, or pride. But we need to know what it will look like for US to thrive. 

What will it look like for you to have a great summer WITHIN your boundaries?

What are the memories you want to make? 

What rhythms will help you love your life and stop worrying about what theirs looks like? 

What would make this a Summer to Thrive? 

This $15 30+ page guide is for you. Let’s find out together. 

Get it today!

It's not too late to thrive this summer.



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