I Won’t Hide It:

My hands are in the air, I won’t hide it: I literally used to HATE summer. 

I hated the clothes (but then I broke free from body shame). 

I hated the heat (then I lived in Charleston for a few years and got used to it). 

But I still hated the lack of structure, the change of pace, the confusing culture of figuring out who is on vacation, who is still working, and worrying whether or not I was doing either of those things right. 

I am a girl who loves routine, and unfortunately - in the summer, most of that gets thrown out the window. Even if nothing changes in your life, it seems like the whole world is screaming and begging us to slow down, take a break, and escape our everyday life. 

I knew I had to make peace with this season, so a few years ago I created the Summer to Thrive guide. 

It’s a 30 plus page digital guide that helps you think through your particular challenges, desires, goals, and rhythms for the season ahead. This year it comes with really fun prints + bonuses, even check-in texts from me to help make sure you’re really thriving. 

If you’re a summer lover who wants to soak up the next few months, this is for you. If you’re a summer hater who doesn’t want to stay that way: this is for you.

Either way, this is for you! It’s time to thrive.


No Regrets


You’ll Wish You Did This