No Regrets

Goal Setting Notebook = Powersheets by Cultivate What Matters

It’s time for another goals update! Here is the January recap, February, March, and April for any friends who might need a refresher of where we’ve been. 

First, a true story: (let’s hope they’re all true around here) 

Earlier this month, I was in a podcast interview with someone who referenced my No Filter goal updates. He asked me if it was scary to talk about not hitting my goals, embarrassing even. I had to admit that it’s a lot scarier for me to speak about DOING WELL than it is for me to talk about missing the mark.

That feels real to a lot of women, right? We should unpack that more in the future…

But now! A May recap: 

  • Walkthrough our Summer to Thrive Guide (get yours here!) I am ALMOST finished filling out my Summer to Thrive Guide, and I can’t believe how much it’s helped me so far. Please don’t sleep on grabbing a copy for yourself.

  • Run 50 miles (just a few days into this month, I have a feeling I'm going to shift this goal down - my legs need a break). When I wrote to you all on May 4th, I already knew this goal wouldn’t happen. My legs and body needed a break from running. I only ran 9 miles, and it was such a good change of pace.

  • Have a clean-out day at our house! We did this, and it was epic. It was the spring cleaning of all spring cleanings. Every closet, every drawer got cleaned, tidied, and simplified. As a result, our house feels like it can breathe.

  • Write a handstand plan (if you didn't know, I'm obsessed with headstands, but I'm ready to shift into some handstands for fun): I never wrote a formal plan, but I started doing a lot more upper body work and ended most workouts with headstands/headstands. In Good Body Goals, we have a headstand tutorial - join, and you can access that + dozens of other workouts.

  • Launch the Breaking Free printed Bible Study with joy! Done! And I’m so grateful for all God has done in the last month.

The primary goal I didn’t hit was the running goal, but again: NO REGRETS. 

Let’s talk about what’s coming in June. 

First, let me give it to you straight. 

Before June is over, I will be traveling to North Carolina, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Africa, and London. If you’ve been around here for a while, you know I love getting to serve and coach women, but I don’t love travel. I’m a homebody who loves order + rhythm. 

But that’s why I’m so thankful for the Summer to Thrive Guide  because it’s helped me process this coming month with honesty + find a hunger for peace - even in the constant change. 

There are a few other reasons June + July are going to be crazy (I’ll be sharing in future newsletters, and you’ll see some foreshadowing in the goals), but I’m repeating this phrase over and over again: 

You don’t have to find your soul - you just have to protect it.

Without further ado, June goals! 

  • Run 10 miles (look at us setting realistic goals in crazy times!)

  • Create a summer capsule wardrobe (with that much travel, I need to pare it down to just a few pieces)

  • Read Live No Lies (I’m two chapters in and so blessed already)

  • Dry June (I’m not drinking any alcohol for the month - maybe for the whole summer)

  • Pick House Reno Options (Oh goodness - here we go, updates to come!)

  • Enjoy the Togo trip + London (Will be sharing more here as well)

Ok, friends - you know what to do: head to this post and share where you’re at with goals.

I’m grateful for you and this sisterhood of grace-filled goals gals we’ve got going! 


Live in the Light + Write in the Dark


I Won’t Hide It: