Live in the Light + Write in the Dark

Part I: Live in the Light + Write in the Dark 

I sent my team a message a week ago saying, “I’m pregnant with the idea of going off of social media for the summer.” I knew that my soul needed some rest from daily content creation + consumption, and even more than that: I wanted to get back to writing EVEN MORE no filter than I have been recent.

It’s hard to write honest words when you’re in the habit of immediately noticing how many people “like” them. 

“You need to write in the dark,” Caroline said. 

And so, the idea of the No Filter Newsletter: Summer Edition was born. Sometime this week, I’m going to delete social media from my phone + what’s in it for you is more frequent + more vulnerable check-ins from the heart via this weekly newsletter. We’ll also be putting up blog posts throughout the week all summer, and I’m honestly so pumped. 

I’m ready to live in the light, without my phone in my hand, and write in the dark: not for approval or likes, but for worship + the very hopeful good of others. 

Part II: May Mayhem 

Well, we made it through May Mayhem. I know it was nuts for a lot of you too. Just for fun, I added up the “extra events” we had on our calendar in May, and there were 21 events we attended throughout the month that were out of the norm for us. So many recitals, parties, and celebrations: I had so many moments where I was super proud and grateful for whoever or whatever we were celebrating. But y’all: my introverted little soul is worn out. 

There were a handful of moments where I had to speak gratitude out loud for our community and this season. I know there will be quieter seasons in our family (there definitely have been before), and while it’s SO MUCH - I’m also so incredibly thankful. 

Here’s the wild news:

May Mayhem might have left, but June is its own wild thing. And July is looking pretty interesting too. I think God is inviting me into a new place of trust: one where I don’t get to live my perfectly rhythmic, planned out days - but where I continually go to Him and ask: “What do you have for me today?”

Part III: Adventure Jess 

And so, for Summer 2022 - I am officially embracing Adventure Jess! Adventure Jess said yes to paddle boarding in Wisconsin this past weekend when I was there to preach. I went to Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, to preach at Heartland Church and see one of my dearest friends, Lindsay Sherbondy. If you follow Lindsay online, you already know + love her - and you’ve probably prayed for her daughter, Eva. 

This was my second visit to Sun Prairie this year, and I’ve jokingly asked them to add me to their regular teaching team. While I missed being at Bright City (I heard Nick preached an incredible message you can listen to here), it was so good to walk around Target with Lindsay, sing/blink the ABCs with Eva, and be with the kind people of Heartland on Sunday morning. 

In fact, I’m on my last plane back to Charleston as I write this - eager to hug my kiddos + kick off our first whole week of summer. 

This leads me to…

Part IV: That’s Your Business. 

Let’s say that you are a routine-loving, control-grasping kind of gal who finds herself near the end (Lord, we pray) of a two-year battle with intense anxiety. Let’s say that this pandemic has taken its toll on your soul, and you’re doing everything you can to speak life and belief over your family + home. Finally, let’s say that sometimes when you’re trying to sleep, an obsessive/anxious/fearful thought will permeate your brain - and you’re worried you’re never going to get to sleep, which just gives you one more thing to worry about. 

Let’s say you’re me. Can I introduce you to a new prayer that is saving my life?

“That’s Your Business.” 

That’s what I say to God when something crosses my mind that I have no control over. I’m working on stopping the fearful or obsessive thoughts in their tracks and telling God, out loud if I can, “That’s Your Business.” 

It’s my shorthand way of reminding my heart what is mine to hold + what is not. And it’s also my way of submitting, relenting, and yielding to His Will, His plan.

If you find yourself stressed about something that you actually cannot impact and need a verbal agreement that asserts your place as a daughter, I give it to you with joy! Let me know if it helps. 

And that concludes the very first edition of the No Filter Newsletter: Summer Edition! As you can see, it’s going to be a little longer - thanks for joining me as I live in the light and write in the dark. 

Whatever season you find yourself in, I pray you look down at your feed and encounter His presence + power. 

Grace + Peace,



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